I thought I would share some Truth that Brother Mike shared with us last night at Kairos...
Jesus said in John 14:6 that He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. So if you look at it in terms of if/then statements, some interesting concepts arise. Let me expound.
If Jesus is THE WAY, then all who are without Him are LOST. In other words, there is no path worth taking that He isn't leading.
If Jesus is the THE TRUTH, then things that contradict His Word are LIES. That one goes further. In John 8:32, it says the Truth will set us free. If we're not getting the TRUTH from Jesus, not only are we believing and building our lives on LIES, but we are ENSLAVED by them. The BONDAGE that results from sin is highly overlooked. If we were aware of it and chose to be freed by the Truth of Christ, how much different would our lives look?
And lastly, if Jesus is the LIFE, then apart from Him, we are DEAD. So much Scripture backs that up, but we still seem to think we can get better for ourselves without submitting to His Lordship in our lives.
Just some interesting items that were illuminated for me last night.
1 comment:
Ya...that's some good stuff right there. I believe that so often as Christians we take these foundational verses for granted. I am coming to realize more and more that I take too much for granted in my life as a follower of Christ. I need to be more conscious of this truth on a daily basis. By the way, I checked out that list on church growth. It was great. I got a good laugh out of it...especially about including scenes from Walker Texas Ranger. I think it should become a sermon must. haha
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