Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Rachel Ray

Everyone tells me I look like her or remind them of her, so I decided to establish her skills as well. Well, maybe not HER skills, but through fun experimentation, I'm hoping to end up with some of my own. Katie was out of town tonight so it was the perfect time to take over the kitchen and concoct something interesting. For some reason, I always tend to get creative when it comes to cooking. I don't do it often enough to have habits. So I just wing it...every time. Sometimes it works out; others are not so great. I've got at least a few years before I'm cooking for anybody besides myself, so I can afford a few mistakes.

As for tonight...two out of three ain't bad. That's all I'm saying.


Daron said...

Oh, man...I wish I had been there! Hey, we managed that one time to make the best cake EVER! I think we called it Suicide by Chocolate or Chocolate Suicide...something like that. Mmmm...amazing. I should get to practicing those skills as well, but I'm pretty sure I have more time than you do. Haha...

Lauren said...

Hey, girl, you NEVER know. And trust me, if we're following the trend so far, your chances of beating me are probably better than you know.

Anonymous said...

What's funny...I had a girl yesterday tell me I reminded her of Rachel Ray (obvoiusly the loud raspy voice) However, as you very well know...the kitchen isn't my strong point, but I bet I could take her to the hoop!!!

Anonymous said...

That's funny, I saw her on something the other day and I thought she reminded me of Natalie.
More her actions or talking than the way she looks.Isn't that odd.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Lauren - Adam & I were just having this conversation last night (in Georgia for Thanksgiving) - she was on TV... I hate to tell you, but the whole improvisation thing might make you more like her than you know... she never measures anything. Don't worry though - her accent makes her way more annoying than you!