Sunday, March 19, 2006

Quarter-Life Crisis

A hard truth of life after college for many unattached young adults is that there's no one that takes an interest in what happens to you on a daily basis. For me, the young adventurer who loved coming back to the dormroom and relaying a meager sighting of the recent crush as if it were worthy of the nightly news to my roommates, who were kind enough to convince me they cared, this is quite an adjustment. My friends, who I was constantly encouraged and inspired by because I saw them on a daily basis, are all over the world, literally. I do have friends who I love and have taken great investment in me, but we all have other obligations now...that require time. And the sad part much of my time is taken up with stuff I have to do that isn't too exciting. That cuts down on the number of quality stories I have to tell. So it's fine in the sense that there's less to tell and less ears to hear. But the problem is that I'm needy, and some aspect of that interaction is therapeutic for me...the entertaining? the being heard? the attention? Not sure. I just get stuck playing different roles during the day so I want to come home and be the core me, which is goofy, loud, obnoxious, and sometimes entertaining to others. But with no audience, I'm stuck with being the core me with just me. Not as much fun.

Please excuse my whining, honesty, and transparency.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren, this is Sarah, Anna's big sister. Hope you don't mind me dropping into your blog. I have heard stories about you via Anna and Casey, and I thought I'd say hi.

I can completely identify with how you are feeling about your sudden lack of audience. When I first graduated from college, I might as well have been in a witness protection program, I felt so lonely. It took a while for my friendships (and my own heart) to adjust to not sharing every single minute and every meal together.

My college girls and I started doing round-robin emails, where someone would start a topic, and everyone else would share their thoughts or funny stories. It helped us stay connected, and even though we weren't sharing as much quantity, the quality was still very rich.

I pray that you would find a few people to connect with in your new life, and also that you would feel drawn nearer to the Lord daily. He walks with you each minute, even during the boring parts of your day!


Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been available much lately. I went to Amsterdam and Brussels this past weekend and I don't have internet access at LCC so the Internet has not been that accessible. I totally feel you on this blog. I think the change to Nashville will be just what you need. I would love to have a phone conversation next week. I will keep you updated on whether that can happen.

Chin up,

Anonymous said...


I know what you're going through. It is really hard to keep in contact with friends in the same situation as yourself. It's especially hard when you're away from everything you know. I pray that God will provide people to come alongside and support you. And I'm always available so don't hesitate to e-mail or call.


Anonymous said...

dear Lauren,

Unlike what these other people have said, i just wish you'd stop whining!
